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Some of the benefits of today’s global economy and technology is hiring a remote team is the access to global talent. Staffing options are no longer limited to your physical location and Technology has enabled us to keep in touch with the entire world in real time. One of the most popular countries for hiring a remote employee is the Philippines. There are a few reasons for this:
Highly educated
The Philippines boasts a 97.5% literacy rate, and more than 680,000 people graduate from university each year. (For context, Australia has approx 300,000 graduates per year and the US has approximately 3 million.)
English is the official language
The Philippines is the third-largest English-speaking country in the world, with approximately 60 million English speakers.
English is one of the country’s two official national languages (the other being Tagalog ), so everyone learns it at school, and it’s the official language of government, the legal system and higher education.
Importantly, this is more than just a statistic. Filipinos don’t just speak English; they speak it very well. In fact, among cities where English is a second language, Manila ranks no.8 in the world for proficiency.
Cultural fit
As a former US colony with a 90% Christian population, the Philippines has a very ‘westernized’ culture. Its cities, office buildings, malls and restaurants all feel very familiar to most Americans. And because there’s no language barrier or real workplace differences, working with Filipinos feels almost identical to working with Americans or Canadians.
Low cost of labor and living costs
Thanks to exceptionally low living costs in the Philippines, labor and occupancy expenses combined are approximately 70% lower than in Canada and the US, so you can substantially reduce your overhead costs.
Huge talent pool
With more than 41 million highly trained people in the workforce, the talent pool in the Philippines is deep and very rich. You can outsource just about any role that can be performed via an internet connection – from accountants and accounts receivable staff to customer service reps and engineers. And you can fill roles at levels from junior and intermediate right up to senior and executive levels.
Committed, loyal and hard-working
Filipinos are renowned for their commitment, loyalty and honesty, and for holding themselves accountable. They value their jobs highly and tend to stay with good employers for longer than the typical US or Canadian would. This is partly due to the country’s culture of customer service excellence, and partly due to the fact that they recognize the value Western organizations bring to their.
Hospitality is a big part of the Philippines’ economy, so most existing industries are customer service oriented. Filipinos place great importance on understanding and accommodating their customers, because it’s an integral part of their culture. They call it ‘a culture of customer service excellence’.
What’s more, large, multinational American and other national companies have invested in customer service personnel and training for decades. So the labor market is rich in highly skilled talent.
Advanced infrastructure and Internet
The Philippines has very similar technology to the United States and Australia, and its government invests heavily in infrastructure, particularly in the cities like reliable utilities providers and solid telecommunications infrastructure.